Center for Innovation and Policies of Moldova (CIPM) together with National Agency for Quality Assurance in Professional Education (ANACIP) and Association pour l’Intégration des Migrants have organized in Chisinau, on 7-9 July 2017, the workshop “Smart Diaspora – Quality Education Innovators” funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The purpose of the visit was to initiate 12 members of the academic and professional diaspora into the external evaluation of study programs and higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova and at the same time to enable an exchange of European expertise on behalf of the diaspora members. The three-day training session provided an opportunity to diaspora members to analyze the methodology of external evaluation, standards, benchmarks and performance indicators of ANACIP and their compatibility with the new European standards and guidelines.

The first day of the training session approached the following topics of interests: procedures, resources and working tools used by evaluators in the external quality evaluation of study programs and higher education institutions; elements of ethics and conduct during the external evaluation; identification, establishments and registration of aspects concerning teaching staff, content of teaching process, students, scientific research, quality management, professional internships and fellowships, internalization of the education etc.

The second day of the training session of evaluators was dedicated to the practical activities. The participants have formed three committees and performed analysis of study programs of three Moldovan universities. Afterwards, they drafted documents according to procedures and granted of qualifiers, presented and discussed the results of the evaluation process. The third day of the event was dedicated to brainstorming and networking in order to strengthen the community of Quality Education Innovators.
